Sunday, September 29, 2013
Is this the way Tao Bin Mohammad Taonga one of Joyce Banda and Peoples Party hand clapper on social media should respond to matters:
Tao Bin mohammad taonga wrote reacting to Jessi Kabwilas presence at MCP function,
"kupusa basi.Ofcourse we dont expect her to be in our camp but let her not use the activism platform to promote her hidden agenda.Taziwa kuti ndi wa congilesi basi any attack...oh yes apanso siponyengelela ayi ayelekezenso kuwatukwana Amai we will parade her naked street by street...."
God Has Spoken To Malawians Through Mphiyo’s Shooting.
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The warm heart of Africa |
In a very special way, allow me to integrate my epistle with the word of God today. To kick start, lets open our Bibles on “Hosea 4 verse 6” which reads; “My people are perishing for lacking wisdom.” This verse did not actually carry any weight and a meaning to me until the day Paul Mphwiyo was shot by some amateur snipers on 13th September, 2013.So it does to some of you.
Frankly speaking, without the assassination attempt of Paul Mphwiyo, as Malawians we could not identify the Peoples Party and some government official’s malpractice until the time their leadership could come to its extermination. For sure Mphwiyo’ gunfire was a wakening call and an alarm to the nation and it surely happened for a purpose. Thanks to God for he has his own way of revealing things to his people and how he saves and cares for his children all belongs to him.
As a fact, for over a year now, Malawians have been clapping hands and praising People who act like angels while they are totally hypocrites, corrupters, murders and evil doers which are contrary to the will of God. Just to put on record, since Joyce Banda became the president of Malawi, where ever she went with his Team of Uladi Mussa caliber, they preached of their regime as being brought by and controlled by GOD. What a shame and disgrace before the Lord .This is pure antichrist because GOD cannot condone peoples who are selfish, killers, corrupters and evil doers. The Bible states clearly,”It’s a total lie to say you love God when you don’t love your neighbor”.
Malawi has deteriorated and worsened for lacking knowledge of its leaders. Some of you have clapped and danced to this self claimed- God fearing rule simply because you were not aware of its evil doing and deceit. God may not be pleased with the doings of our leaders, the leaders who have turned away from God and choose to go their own way. Among the 10 commandments of GOD in the book of “Exodus” it was clearly stated “thou shall not steal”, ”though shall not kill”, ”thought shall not lie” but these are what our leaders are good at today. The leaders whose mouths are full of lies, hands full of blood, corrupt minds and stealing minds. Leaders who have no mercy oppressing and robbing from the poor under privileged Malawians in majority.
Just to be more specific, some of you can agree with me. We have been called names by the president and her party followers. Some of us have been cursed and called witches, wizards, prostitutes, disparate women you name it just for speaking our minds against some wrongs with this regime claimed to be made of leaders who are God fearing. At all cost I would argue you to stop being hypocrites because now we have the knowledge of who you are.”Do not mention the name of your God in vain” when you are not just and holy.
By: Magede Si Wandale
Saturday, September 28, 2013
DPP Leader Storms Lilongwe with Whistle Stop Tours on 29th September 2013.
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Pic By: Stevin Phiri |
After failing to storm Lilongwe last Sunday on 22nd September, 2013. Professor Arthur Peter Muthalika and his Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) are yet expected to rainstorm Lilongwe on 29th September 2013.Our sources have confirmed that the so much waited tour in the Capital City of Malawi which was stopped at the eleventh hour by the government for unknown reason last week is finally on.
“We want to assure you Malawians that Peter Muthalika will steer Lilongwe with the blue sea, we were disappointed last week, after all the preparations we were stopped in the last minute and as a law bidding party we agreed to the demand of the government, everything is set and in order to glance the so much anticipated tour”, said a high ranking official from the DPP.
The tour is expected to kick start at 12:00 am –Central African Time. Among other places, the DPP leader is expected to stop at Kalambo ground in area 25(Nsungwi) then proceed to Chinsapo via Area 3 and finally destined at Masintha ground in Kawale.
The DPP leader and followers are confident that come May 2014 tripartite elections, the party is going back in government. Peter Muthalika is among the aspiring presidential candidates enjoying mass support from the possible voters across the country.
The DPP became an opposition party after the startling death of its mentor and late president of the Republic of Malawi Professor Bingu WA Muthalika. Among other things, DPP has assured Malawians that once voted into power, they will restore the security in the country, ensure food security at household and national level, introduce community colleges to bridge the existing gap in the tertiary education sector, take possible action to reclaim our Lake Malawi which is in dispute with our neighboring Tanzania as well as continue with policies and developments plans as well as activities from where the late Bingu left.
By: Magede Si Wandale.
Why Is Joyce Banda Not concerned with the Mphwiyo saga?
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Something not on Malawians |
Ladies and gentlemen, having time to evaluate all the developments emerging since
the bombardment of one Paul Mphwiyo, the best we last part with as concerned
Malawians is being cornered somewhere
and having no way out to figure what’s really going on. There is something we
are all missing and not adding up, why
is it that the state President-Madam Joyce Banda is not concerned with the Mphwiyo
saga?”Does that sound weird? Of course yes based on practical examples.
As soon as Mphwiyo was blast, the nation was full to a
surprise when the state presidents made the exposure that she knew of the
shooters to this Budget director and probably why. Fair enough, that was a good
intelligence from the president as this would surely shorten the investigation
of the matter. Surprisingly, a propos the nature of the matter, the president hardily
acted as swift as she could with other security bodies on the matter than
concealing the so much wanted evidence leading to the arrests of these culprits
of the century, which we believe by today they are not yet arrested and blunder
in scout free when someone is battling with his life.
In addition, with the apprehension which eloped the country
just after the BD was shot and a lot of news coming out, there was no way Joyce
Banda had to leave the country for America, this is the time we needed the
president intrusion most at least to handle the matter which needs to be
treated with high maturity and her sound judgment. Some of these big names we
are hearing to be complicated in this whole saga need the presence and
directive of the president not only as the Head of Security but also the
overall in charge to make decisions for the smooth investigation on the matter.
Furthermore, the genesis of all these developments are centered on some sort of fraud, corrupt
manners, abuse of public resources and greedy over the government funds which
are meant for you and me by some senior government officials and selected few
civil servants as well as Malawians. The saga has attracted even the attention
of several donor partners risking Malawi from losing aid from these development
partners. Long at last, the decision from these donor communities will result
in punishing innocent Malawians who are completely unaware of what is going on.
We are likely to safer and Joyce Banda action on the matter is our only refugee
and guarantee to convince these donors
to stay put yet Joyce Banda is no where to be seen in her own country tacking this
hot issue.
The conduct of Joyce Banda on this matter some how is
surprising many Malawians. Why is she not concerned and acting the strange way?
Let me have my rest first and wait for the investigation and coming of the
president to think contrary to my views.
By: Magede Si
Friday, September 27, 2013
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is at owner’s risk.
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Think Nyasa. |
Neither I am here to demean nor discourage you but as a fact,
thinking JB and PP beyond 2014 is at Malawians risk:
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with no maize in the silos to feed its people.
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with Blackouts throughout while ESCOM spends unwisely.
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with all the local leaders becoming Senior Chiefs when some of the
existing local leaders go without pay.
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with no development activities and allocations to all the
opposition members of Parliament and local people.
Thinking JB beyond 2014 is the same as having
Malawi legalizing arm robberies and implementing social insecurity with the
current lack of security among us.
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with civil servants allowed to misuse, abuse steal from the
coffers without fear of arrests.
Thinking JB beyond 2014 is the same as having
Malawi with the president laying stones all over for maternity wings when the
hospitals have no drugs.
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with Ministers and government officials having license to kill
and torture.
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with families surviving with 10 kg of maize.
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with safe motherhood without fuel, drugs, power backup system ,ambulances
and other resources at district hospitals
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with no active watch dogs such as ACB no more operational and
people graduating from corrupting practices without hindrance.
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with all lying cabinet members and officials under oath.
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with all its coffers running dry from the perpetuated plunder
which has worsen presently.
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with leaders who are good at promising things that will never
come to pass.
Thinking JB and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as
having Malawi with a recovered economy but unstable, devaluated and fluctuating local currency failing to
withstand the pressure at a stock market
In my capacity as yours truly Magede Si Wandale, thinking JB
and PP Beyond 2014 is the same as having Malawi at owner’s risk. Think the
other way if you love your country. Stand up and protect mother Malawi.
By: Magede Si Wandale.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
The Veep Should Stop Thinking That Government Operates With His Personal Or Peoples Party Funds.
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VP Kachali |
It’s very shameful for the vice President of the Republic of Malawi right honorable Khumbo Kachali to be thinking that being in the ruling elite automatically grant Malawians and the opposition party their slaves. As a matter of fact, these leader ruling the country are there because of us (Malawians).We are the electorates and with our votes we gave them the ability to represent and serve as and not make them kings and dictators over us (Malawians).
Just recently, speaking in the Lakeshore district of Salima on 25th September 2013, the vice president assured Chiefs and people in the area that those People who are working with the opposition should not expect to benefit from the Peoples party government in terms of development. This according to the vice president automatically excludes all opposition members from development plans in order to make them fail accomplish their development goals in their respective areas as they are not royal to them.
According to the laws of Malawi and the National Peace policy, Local Authorities (traditional leaders) represent the people in their area and work with the government and not a political party. Chiefs are independent from political parties. Regarding the fact that Malawi has been in 19 years of its democratic rule, its very immature, undemocratic and clueless for the VP to be making those remarks at the expense of tax payers money and that’s totally unacceptable.
To put it on record, since 1964,Malawi has been ruled by the MCP for 30 years, UDF for 10 years, DPP for 8 years and currently the PP for a temporally 2 years term but all these parties have or will go while our local leaders will remain intact. These political party according to our democratic constitution are limited to a 10 years rule ,they came and go but our local leaders and us never change .We are the government and its very unfortunate for the VP to be thinking that way .
Another thing that the vice president and the ruling party should not forget is that, they run this country with people’s tax, revenues collected from us and some donor assistance. These monetary resources fall under the government coffers meant for all Malawians not the Peoples Party. I would like the vice president to know that Malawi is not governed by his personal monies or the people’s party coffers. We are a government which operates from the already existing structures and it’s a violation of Human rights for the Peoples Party to deny the local peoples development for not rallying behind them. Its our constitutional right to benefits from the government through development activities and support the party of our choice.
By: Magede Si Wandale.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
My dream for Malawi’ 2014 Election Outcomes.
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By:Mac Tembo |
Just to swallow her pride and let it go, the first person to congratulate the winner was Joyce Banda, in her speech she said,” as a God fearing woman, i believes in respecting people's wishes and that I am proud of what I have done to Malawians when I was the state president for the short time I have been the country’s first citizen“and I recall.
Then I saw this other second person coming, it was the man of God cum politician who made his second remarks that it was high time he had to make his congratulatory message, The Man of God continued to say, “Malawians have spoken for themselves and I am ready to work with the new government as we are all geared to change the setting of a new nation better for all of us.’’
As I went on with my dream, it was now the youthful presidential aspirant coming in beautiful sewed “yellow attire”. His expression was brief and appearing to the nation that there was nothing to stop him from working with this new leader based on his maturity, sound policies and political style.
Most of you might be puzzled and wondering who this winner was, I cant force myself remember his name but I can only describe him as a well learned person, well exposed, calm, composed and experienced. That’s the best how I can describe him. His first address to the nation as the state president, the man went straight to the point that he does not believe in insulting , castigating or lambasting his opponents on the podium. For your reference he spoke, “people talked much about me and those used to castigation blamed me that I only speak for 12 minutes. They claimed that I would run away from this country because my brother is dead, they said I would run away because I had many cases to answer but true to my words, I stayed in Malawi”.
In his acceptance speech, vamong the first things that we need to work upon as a country are
a) Scraping of automatic fuel pricing,
b) To ensure security for every citizen,
c) Reducing costs by not allowing ministers to follow me where ever I go
d) Reducing my cabinet to 15 full ministers and 4 deputies,
e) Delivering to my people what I promised
f) Distinguishing government duties from party
g) Ensure that MBC works as a public broadcaster and open to all political parties
In my dream the winner outlined his vision in full and asked expert their opinions before implementation. As he continued with his speech, the winner outlined how he want to solve the problem of limited places at our universities by introducing community colleges, how he want to support companies producing export products by giving them special incentives.
Just as part of my dream, I saw that Tanzania went to the international court on the lake Malawi wrangle and the winner told them without mincing words that the lake belongs to Malawi and its not negotiable so Tanzania had to back off.
Sorry my brethren, I was about to post his entire acceptance speech to all the forums including her Excellency page only to realize that my alarm clock waked me up to start the hard task of shouting “Amayi Chiongolero”
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