Monday, September 23, 2013

Exposure To the multi- Billion Kwacha defrauds Plan for Pakamwapadye Party Campaign shock The Bawo Club.

Confused Bawo Members
Starting up my day was a hustle, waking up with “matsile” from the powerful local ferment of “Kabanga” available at The Bawo Club almost exhausting my energy. The Bawo club was such a nice arena to be during the weekend with  lots of news from the alleged elimination of young “Piyo”, the  Rafta Kambala clue implication, fake suspects arrest and the surprising vanish of “Abiti Mwenye” from The Bawo club after revealing that she knew of the shooters of Piyo. The presence of Barclays, EUROPA and Premier league matches on big screen was all enough reason for a perfect drinking joint at the Bawo Club.

Not as soon as Gogo Sinsamala had finished narrating to us on how the Amayi blanked was peed on few weeks ago, it was   “The Chief Mourner” who interrupted us breaking the news that he had been offered a chance to act as the BD until Piyo recovers and comes back from Sozibele where he is receiving medical attention while poor and hopeless Manyasalands continue dying at Mangachi District Hospital with the new introduced “JOBESCOM-Blackout Initiative” while on Oxygen.

The coming in of intoxicated Thyolo Thava was as a surprise as he was neither a member or invited to the Bawo Club. This did not go well with some Bawo Club members drawing mixed reactions from available members such as Rhoda Kamchacha, WiseOneFrom TheEast, Dr Alberto Murrius, Patseni Mauka, Innocent Mawaya, Mike Charles Banda and heavily drug Magede Si Wandale with his new political associate “Zikatha Sasekana” bearing in mind the sensitivity of the stories that these members were sharing while enjoying their Jang’ala, kabanga, Mang’ina and some “Mvuuwu kanyenya”. It was after the intervention of the Big Kahuna that Thyolo Thava and Pakhomo Pamanu were allowed in

 Wait a second, “I think Abiti Mwenye was speaking under the influence of some sips of “Blackberry” locally available when she made her statement of the snipers to Piyo before vanishing in thin air .From what I have gathered when I went “Ku Phiri”. There has been an a clandestine agreement which was made that Piyo should make sure that after a certain period of time, a sum of 300 million Kwacha was to be submitted to “Pakamwapadye Party through another person”, the actual purpose of appointing mercenary Piyo was to help Pakamwa Padye raise a total of 10 Billion Kwacha towards the 2014 elections campaign apart from the 71 Billion Kwacha which seems to be out of the coffers already,” narrated drunk “Zikatha Sasekana”.

As a fact, that’s not the end of the story continued “Zikatha Sasekana” with all the Bawo club members attention drawn towards him. What you should know is that “Abiti Mwenye” knew all this and agreed to this plan. In order to please her, Piyo had to collaborate with some other guys from this other environmental/climate change related department to give a chance to their account as a loophole. In addition to that, Piyo had to involve some connoisseur who understands better the Intergrated Financial Managing Information System to manipulate the system in making their illegal transactions and payment possible.

Before I continue, why is it that Abiti Mwenye left  Manyasaland leaving us all here puzzled when her boy was almost half dead ?There is something big but I want to argue you that this information must be treated as confidential of the Bawo club as “Zikatha Sasekana” may also be eliminated earlier than he finishes the narration. Esteemed Bawo Club Members, I tell you that’s not even the beginning of the revelation, Piyo in his capacity had to work with the Governor of “Mpatse Pabwile Bank of Manyasaland” to facilitate and make sure that all these lamp sum siphoned funds had to be deposited in the account of this doubling friend of Piyo and Rafta Kambala who is believed to be in Sozibele .Now allow me to take another tot of “Jang’ala” with some “kalingonda” while we are thinking aloud.

Bearing in mind of Abiti Mwenye “kutakatanomics”, some of the members in this syndicate had started making their on way from these “Mbongos”. This clue started “Kutapa” instead of submitting these “Dinyelo” to this Big Thief who has no mercy on Manyasaland coffers. Things went wrong when Rafter Kambala clue and some prominent Pakamwapadye Party members learnt that proletarian Piyo “amadya khuwo” and was now the master in the “Mtakato” beating his fellow veteran players of “Kutakatanomics”. Piyo surely swallowed more than he could chew according to the stories I head with some guys from “Kuphiri” when we were drinking some Carlsberg green (the Big one) at Bwandilo few days ago.

Oooooh! It’s almost time to close the Bawo Club. Let me stop here!
To be continued………………..among other stories:
·         Anguish by Rafta and these other prominent politicians with the deal that has been given to a Sozibele company instead of this other Manyasaland Mmwenye.
·         Piyo buying a new line and sending himself message threats
·         Prominent Party members meeting Abiti Mwenye and telling her openly to fire Piyo for the mercenary task of making campaign money for Pakamwa Padye
·         Secret service submitting the names of the real shooters of Piyo and not these fake ones on remand we saw on our local papers.
·         The calling of a senior civil service female by the diplomatic community to tell Abiti Mwenye not to proceed with her trip.
·         The voluntarily resignation of this other woman

My plea to my fellow Bawo club members though I know that you are all drunk but still are eager to grab something .Lets go and sleep as tomorrow is yet another work day but we need to keep this information to ourselves as “Zikatha Sasekana” life may be at risk again with this revelation.

Until we meet again, I remain yours and the only real Magede Si Wandale.!

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